Brand New 2017

Greetings Fellow Beauty Lovers,
    Jessica here and I am embarking on a new adventure, blogging.  For those of you here for your first time, do not fret because we are all new!  I have read, watched, and purchased all things beauty for a few years now so I figured why not give this a try.  I can't be that bad at it (or I will be but in that case I've taken a que from my elders and will adhere to the ole wise tale... 'don't quit your day job' so I think I'll be safe for now).
   I'm very excited to start this journey with you all and I hope to make a lot of new friends along the way.  That being said, I am very open to suggestions and requests for all things beauty in this blog.  I don't want this to be just mine but more as a group effort.  So please feel free to leave me requests and comments on things that you'd like to see.  I know there are so many blogs out there in the interwebs and obviously things are overdone sometimes when it comes to the beauty trend realm so anything that you guys would like to see, I am sure I would be open to.
   For my near future plans, I will be doing some swatches and reviews of new and popular makeup.  I have a love of department store as well as drug store so I hope to be able to find a common niche with many people.  For details about me, I am a green eyed pale freckle infested redhead who is currently dealing with acne post 30 (which I can just tell you is LOADS of fun) so what I am interested in is full coverage foundation looks.  However, I do have a normal desk day job that would shriek at the notion of 'Instagram makeup' so none of those makeup tips will be found here.  I am just an average lazy girl who wants to get up at 5:50 am and leave the house at 6:30 am for work.
   I'm very excited to start this new adventure with you all and I look forward to talking to you again, Cheers!
redhead 2017

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